Highway grade guard rails everywhere! The message seems to be “Since so much speeding is already going on in the park (particularly after hours)- we will make it safer for insane drivers to race around Gatineau Park”. How much money? Who decided this? Do they ever visit the park? There are now 6 of these monstrosities just on the 3.3k, relatively flat north loop. Why not spend the money on photo radar/ gates or cameras to monitor cars / limited hours/ or increased surveillance???
I wonder what will happen when the snow covers these? Do you think they will cause a narrowing of the ski tracks? Damage grooming equipment? Damage skiers?
Interesting question. And what about the snowmobile tracks?
How idiotic! And so much less safe for cyclists and roller skiers and yes, my first thought was for the ski trails. How safe will that be having metal sticking up! I bet the decision makers have never been to Gatineau Park.